About Us
Located in Syracuse, Indiana in the Syracuse Community Center across from Lakeside Park, the Syracuse-Wawasee Historical Museum, has been offering a glimpse back in time for the Lakeland area since 1987. It was founded with funds gained from the Syracuse Sesquicentennial Celebration and occupied a room in the Syracuse Public Library until June, 2002 when it moved to its current location in the Syracuse Community Center.
Three Memberships Are Available:
- Individual – $30 Annually
- Family – $50 Annually
- Corporate – $100 Annually
•Syracuse-Wawasee Historical DVD
•Mier Car Postcard
•Images of America Syracuse and Lake Wawasee by Erin Lomax and Ann Vanderford Garceau
•Early Wawasee Days by Eli Lilly, 2007 Syracuse-Wawasee Historical Museum Edition
•Sketches of Lake Wawasee By Scott Edgell
•Ken Harkless sketches of old scenes
•Laser prints of paintings by Betty Harkless Appenzeller
•Sharp’s Chronicles, a history of Syracuse by local historian Ron Sharp
•Other local memorabilia
Director and Board of Directors of the Syracuse-Wawasee Historical Museum
Director: Ali Schuldt
Board of Directors: President- Peggy Genshaw, Vice President- Patrick Appenzeller, Secretary-Treasurer- Mary Hursh, Members-Ann Garceau, John Heckaman, Ross Heil, Kristi Martin, Mike Mock, Garry Ringler, Kip Schumm, Martha Stoelting.
Hours We Are Open: