Programs and Events

We are proud to bring you the following events for 2025:
Youth History Camp- SIGN-UP REQUIRED
Session A- June 10,11,12,13 -1:00-3:00- Syracuse Community Center
Session B- July 15,16,17,18 -1:00-3:00 -Syracuse Community Center
Centennial Programs
Saturday, July 12 @10:30- History of the Spink Property– Syracuse Community Center
Saturday, August 9 @ 10:30- Centennial Homes Around Lake Wawasee– Syracuse Community Center
Historical Cruises in partnership with Chautauqua-Wawasee
Saturday, May 17 @ 1:00- Lake Wawasee Points of Interest– Departs from the Frog Tavern
Thursday, September 25 @1:00– Lake Wawasee “Then and Now”– Departs from the Frog Tavern
Digging through History– in partnership with Chautauqua-Wawasee
Thursday, September 11 6:30-7:30- Prehistory of Northern Indiana– Presented by Pat Mooney and Bryan Warder- Syracuse Community Center
Friday, September 12 6:30-7:30- The Life and Times of Five Medals– Presented by Mike Judson- Syracuse Community Center
A bit of background /more details concerning some of our events:
Centennial Homes
The museum is proud to bring you the 10th annual Centennial Homes Program. What started as a showcase of 100+-year-old homes in our community has branched out to include the history of communities and people within the area. Syracuse resident and native, Ann Vanderford Garceau brings an educational and insightful look into the homes, communities, and people that have been a part of the town of Syracuse before and since its establishment in 1837.
If you have a lake area home that is +100 years old and would like to participate, please contact the museum for more information. All participants receive a plaque as a thank you for participating. Free!
This program is funded by a grant from the Kosciusko County Community Foundation.
July 12: Spink Property Through the Years: 10:30am @ Syracuse Community Center
August 9th: Centennial Homes Around Wawasee: 10:30 @ Syracuse Community Center
Youth History Camp

The program is designed around grades 1-6, but is open to all age groups, including adults. SIGN UP IS REQUIRED.
Session A: June 2025: 10,11,12,13 from 1pm – 3pm
Session B: July 15, 6,17,18 1pm – 3pm.
All classes FREE and will focus on the overall history, and history as it pertains to our area.
Classes meet in the Celebration Hall of the community center.
Contact Ali Schuldt at the museum to register and for more information on these topics.
Event Sponsorship: If you or your business would like to sponsor an event for the Syracuse-Wawasee Historical Museum, contact Ali Schuldt, the Museum’s Director. (574) 457-3599 or email at
Hours We Are Open: